Please note that abstracts data submitted on-line before June 1 were sent to the publisher on June 1. Any addition and modification made after June 1 will not be included in the abstract book.
Poster Presentation Schedule
We are pleased to announce the schedule of poster presentations.
Please click below button and find your presentation date and program No. from the attached PDF. Each poster will be posted for two days, 24-25 August, 26-27 August, or 28-29 August. If you do not find your name in the PDF or there is any inconvenience, please contact IUCr secretariat office by e-mail.
The poster board measures approximately 150cm high x 90cm wide.
Please prepare your poster within the size of the poster board.
A poster number display (20cm x 20cm) prepared by the secretariat will be placed at the top left corner of the board.
Sunday, August 24 - Monday, August 25, 2008
Tuesday, August 26 - Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thursday, August 28 - Friday, August 29, 2008
Instructions for Oral and Poster presenting authors
Instructions for Oral and Poster presenting authors are available.
See more informations...
IUCr 2008 Online Abstract Submission is now open!

Participants, who would like to make an oral or poster presentation at the congress, must submit an abstract for the consideration and approval of the International Program Committee (IPC).
You will able to enter the Abstract Submission Page using the Registration Number and Password which you get when you complete on-line registration. Submitted abstract can be modified using the Registration Number and Password.
Abstracts sent by mail or fax will not be processed by the Secretariat and will not be forwarded to IPC. No hardcopy submissions will be considered.
Incorrectly prepared abstracts will not be considered for presentation. Abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. Therefore you should avoid errors an misspellings because these cannot be corrected by the organizers before publication.
The first author must be the presenting author for the abstract.
The presenting author (=first author) must register and pay the registration fee. Only the abstracts of authors who have registered and paid registration fees by June 30, 2008 will be included in the Program and Abstract book.
Once the abstract is submitted, an automatic confirmation will be sent to the first author. All correspondence (primarily by e-mail) will be sent to the First Author.
Authors will be notified by e-mail by June 15, 2008 if their abstract has been accepted.
In cases of difficulties please contact the Organizing Secretariat:
using the Registration Number.
Abstract Preparation Instructions
Abstract must be written in English and contain a brief, clear statement of conclusion. All abbreviations must be defined before being used in the text. The text body should be not more than 1,800 characters. The title should be not more than 100 characters. The Program and Abstract book will not be printed in color. The graphic should be considered as 600 characters in a text. Please remember that the area of the printed abstract is small and the graphic will be correspondingly smaller. Please save your diagrams at the correct size and in grey-scale (or at a much reduced color-depth) before including them in your abstract. About the restriction on a graphic file, the maximum size of the image is 1MB JPEG format in black and white, if they are necessary.
Presenting author: the name of the presenting author must appear first in the list of authors. No one may be the first author on more than ONE contribution. Invited speakers are, however, permitted to submit a poster presentation in addition to their talk.
Category: please specify the Topics & Sub-Topics for the poster sessions. Specify both MS and the Topics & Sub-Topics if you request an oral session.
Abstract title: title should be represented as the first letter is in capitals and all other letters are lower case unless they are proper names or acronyms, for example,
"Reaction pathway of ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, revealed by .....".
Keywords: three keywords must be supplied as they will be used in indexing the Book of Abstracts. A list of suggested keywords is available online in the documentation section.
[A list of suggested keywords]
Invited Speakers: please note that abstracts for invited presentations (keynote lectures and microsymposia) must be submitted according to the instructions above, and should be received by March 31, 2008.
CAUTION !! - "double quotation mark"
MS Word documents include "double quotation mark" can cause ERROR when copied and pasted on the abstract submission system. In such case, please retype "double quotation mark" on the submission system screen to avoid the system error.
The topics of the microsymposia (MS) are all defined and up to three speakers will be invited by the corresponding MS chairpersons. The minimum two additional speakers will be selected by the chairpersons, after the evaluation of the abstracts proposed by the authors as an oral contribution. The request with the identification of MS needs to be specified at the time of abstract submission. It will be responsibility of the chairpersons to complete the MS program by selecting the additional speakers among the applying participants. The contribution will be automatically redirected to the poster session if the request for an oral presentation cannot be fulfilled; the Topics & Sub-Topics should be specified by the authors for the identification. The instructions for the preparation of the abstracts (specified below) will be available on the web site. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract before submission. Acceptance as a speaker in a given MS will be communicated to the author after the decision has been made by the respective chairpersons, in the middle of May, 2008. Acceptance of the poster contribution will be also notified to the presenting authors in the middle of May, 2008. The accepted contributions will be printed in the Book of Abstracts. They will also be published in a special issue of Acta Crystallographica Section A.
Travel Support for Senior Scientists from President's Fund
The President's Fund supports senior scientists from developing countries to attend IUCr Congresses.
Details and an Application Form can be found on the following web site:
Poster Prize Awards
The following poster awards will be given to the excellent student's and/or young crystallographer's posters:
- IUCr Awards (each from physics, chemistry and biology)
- CrSJ Awards (several from physics, chemistry and biology, respectively)
- CCDC Awards (three from chemical crystallography or application of small-molecule crystal information)
- RCSB PDB Award (one from macromolecular crystallography).
- Oxford Cryosystems Low Temperature Prize (one from low temperature crystallography)
- EMU Prize (one from mineralogical crystallography)
- Zeitschrift fur Kristallographi Prize (one from inorganic crystallography by any presenter)
For More Information
For inquiries about registration, please contact:
IUCr 2008 Secretariat
Congress Corporation
3-6-13 Awajimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0047, Japan
Fax: +81-6-6229-2556
Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 17:00 p.m. Japan Standard Time
Important Deadlines
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: April 20, 2008 (Japan Standard Time).
Link to Abstract Submission