Please note that the scientific program, elaborated by the International Program Committee and approved by the IUCr Executive Committee, is still subject to the confirmation of the invited speakers and chairs.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sunday, August 24 - Monday, August 25, 2008
Tuesday, August 26 - Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thursday, August 28 - Friday, August 29, 2008

PL (Plenary Lecture) / KN (Keynote Lecture)
MS (Microsymposia)

All the meeting rooms are equipped with PowerPoint-based projectors and following application softwares are installed:
Windows: Windows XP/PowerPoint 2003, Adobe Acrobat (version 8) (Japanese language version)
Macintosh: Mac OS X/ PowerPoint 2004, Adobe Acrobat (version 8) (Japanese language version)
Please use the above operation system's standard fonts:
(e.g.) |
Windows: Century, Century Gothic, Times New Roman, etc. |
Macintosh: Times, Helvetica, etc. |
Maximum data capacity is 512MB.
The audiovisual presentations are supervised by the technician group who has a central assistance Slide Preview Center (opening hours 8:30-18:30) on the 5th floor of the Convention Center. The speakers who will have a talk in the afternoon session must bring their file(s) for presentation at least 1 hour before the session, or those who have a talk in the morning session must bring the files the day before the session (not later than 17.00). The file(s) for presentation must be supplied by a Windows formatted USB flash memory or a CD-ROM. If your presentation includes movies and animation, be sure to bring your own computer. Laptop PCs will be connected to the projector via D-sub 15 connector (VGA connector), and Macintosh users must not forget to bring a VGA Display Adaptor.
Any concerns regarding the presentation should be directed towards the Slide Center operators, with sufficient time in advance. This applies in particular for those using non-standard configurations (i.e., not processable with standard Windows XP operative system and Office XP applications).
For practical and security reasons, the internet facilities are not available to the speakers during their presentation. Although all care will be taken in handling the presentation files, the organizers cannot take responsibility for loss or damage.
Authors are kindly requested to keep their talks within the allocated time limit. The session chairpersons must keep to the arranged time schedule.
The poster board measures approximately 150 cm high x 90 cm wide. A poster number display (20 cm x 20 cm) is placed at the top left corner of the board.
Poster sessions are held between 12:30 and 14:45 daily from Sunday 24 to Friday 29, August. Please check in this booklet or on the web-site for the date when your poster must be displayed and the assigned board number.
On the presentation day, authors are kindly requested to set up their poster with the supplied pushpins in between 8:00 and 8:30 on the first day and to remove it no later than 18:30 on the second day. Pushpins will be supplied at each poster board.